College Avenue Church of Christ

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (Mat 28:19)

Joseph Adams

Joseph Adams

Joseph Adams was born in Denver, Colorado but moved to the great State of Florida when he was 4. As a child he resided in Polk City and then Sarasota where he remained for 35 years. He served as a Deacon for approximately 15 years before going to Heritage Christian in Florence, Alabama to train for ministry. He is married to a wonderful woman and together they have three children. He has worked with family and youth programs in the church for over 22 years, teaching classes, working with and organizing VBS programs and has been a deacon over a Lads to Leaders programs and Youth Education programs.

Joe is a 2021 graduate of Heritage Christian University where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. He is also looking forward to beginning his work on his Master’s in the near future.

During the past four years he has been preaching part time at the Shady Grove church of Christ and filling in throughout northern Alabama and southern Tennessee. He has also been teaching 10 year-olds at Polishing the Pulpit.